Thursday, October 27, 2016

Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

I put my quality time aside just to spend it with you.
I absolved you all the time because you deserved a second chance.
Even in my lowest self, I always smiled for you
All of this, you don't own, but I still gave you.
I guess I was wrong.
Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

When you left without telling me why,

I was all alone,
thinking about my mistakes (if any),
thinking about why you left,
I cried for many days (3 days) for you.
I guess I was wrong
Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

All of those 'cry days' were bitter and vulnerable.

My mind was running so fast to think about ways
and maybe I'd sing a beautiful song
to persuade you.
I guess I was wrong
Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

I was in pain which I didn't actually deserve,

and you just left without saying a word.
You made me hate myself
I felt like I've been toyed and just left for heaven's sake
and this.. well, I can't take from you
I guess I was wrong
Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

Yeah, I'll let you say to the people

that "a crazy girl loved me"
but just so you know,
I've erased your memory; 
you're a long gone history,
and now you don't have a space in my life anymore.
Ha! Now I can hardly remember you.
Oh! Is That You? Sorry, I've Already Got Over You

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

To Those Who loved Me in My Worst Self

That's a basic reason why one must have 'good' friends. I feel lucky in that way because I have found some of the best people in my life, and probably that's why I cherish friendship so much. I never judge them but yes, I like getting their updates all the time.
This is to all those dear friends of mine who were always like an extra pair of legs to me when I couldn't stand on my own. Thank you. 

Thank you to all of them who became my strength when the world hated me.

Thank you for believing in me when every other person found me disgustingly funny. For giving me a foundation and stabilize me when I couldn't find a starting point. Thank you for being my 3 am phone pal when I was having sleepless night after nights.
For being just behind me when I am clumsy, thank you!
Thank you for taking out time for me in emergency and just sitting besides me patiently even when I have nothing to talk. You always remind me to be myself even if everyone wants to improvise me.

Thank you for being my personal SWOT analysis machine.

You have the power to see something in me that I could never see, probably because you know the best I can do. Thank you for loving me and understanding my sensitive mind and always encouraging me to stay like this forever. For telling me day in and day out that everything isn't meant to be a perfect fit; you need to let loose. Thank you for telling me that I look beautiful even when I am wearing the shabby two-strapped slippers or when I become sad because of my body size.

Thank you for caring for me in my messiest days

Thank you for appreciating my accidental success and saying that, "Cheers to you. Let's party!" For being the fan of my voice even when my throat swells. You bring joy to me by allowing me to be as crazy as I can. Thank you for understanding things I could never express but were there in my heart. For showing me what love really is and what it isn't... Thank You.

I love you more than anything else in this world

For those who "really" know me, like really know me in and out. You still stick around when I am furious, yell at you and spoil your day completely. You have seen me in my best and in my worst self... And you proudly say that I'm worth it! Thank you for not pretending in front of me and be my greatest critic as well as adviser in all the phases of my life.
My friend, I could never ask for anything more. Clearly, you're the reason that I see good in myself and get motivated to go on.... Thank You!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

A.R. Rahman: The Drug Of My Life

Music is the soul of everything under the sun. It can influence our senses to a great extent. For example, a slow music can lower your heart beat, relax your mind, and makes you forget everything. On the contrary, a hard tempo can boost your adrenaline, makes your head shake automatically and you feel like dancing. A spiritual music can set you apart from the mob and your mind travels as far as possible.
My connection with music has been since I have gained my senses as I have been learning Classical Vocal since my very childhood, but a true love for it was eventually developed when 'Jiya Jale' song paved way into my ears and eventually, into my heart. And thus, was my introduction with A.R.Rahman sahab! (Yes, I call him that way, he's a sahab to me, much more than anything else, I love him.) He takes my breath away whenever I listen to his compositions. His hold in the notes and an ocean of knowledge in the world of music is incomparable, and undoubtedly, he is simply the Alchemist of Music.
Songs of 'Dil Se..', 'Bombay', 'Roja' and some of the initial Rahman compositions are such that almost every generation must have liked it, and why not? A single strum of the sound and the poetic lyrics in them are like pearls. Tell me, what happens inside your mind when you hear 'Chaiyaan Chaiyaan' where Sukhwinder Singh totally mesmerise us with his epic voice. It's like a Pied Piper playing a tune and we being the rats, keep blindly following him. 'Kehna Hi Kya', 'Tu Hi Re' have their own way to hypnotise us and heal us completely. And how can you forget the marvel of  'Taal'... ahh! Sensational songs like 'Ishq Bina', 'Ramta Jogi', 'Mere Paas hai tu' and so on... truly takes me to a different sphere. "Mere Paas hai tu" can't be expressed in words, I can listen to it 1000 times and get lost in my own world where I don't need anyone any more.
Less people might have heard all the songs of 'Meenaxi' starring Tabu. It has a music which sets all the boundaries apart and makes us believe in India's rich cultural heritage. Yeah, that's the strength in his music. 'Ye Rishta Kya Kehlaata Hai', 'Do Kadam', 'Noor-Un-Ala-Noor' have an earthy appeal in them, and no other tune could really have set with the Gulzar lyrics, really! Rahman and Gulzar are like coffee and milk, they go best with each other, but otherwise they have their own supremacy already. Do you remember the soulful songs of 'Saathiya'? I'm sure you do, especially 'Chalka', I still remember that we as kids used to dance a lot on this song in occasions and festivals. And the pumping music of 'O Humdum suniyo re' is a superb Indo-Western tune. I start having goosebumps whenever I listen to 'Chupke Se' or 'Naina Milaike'. They are some of the best crafted songs ever of Rahman Sahab. It can come into a category of "Songs to listen before you die".
Another great album came into being is 'Yuva'. 'Fanaa' is such a party song; makes me dance. And subtle songs like 'Kabhi neem neem', 'Badal jo aaye' will surely make your mood pleasant. I can keep on listing the songs but I just don't feel like stopping because there's much more than that. 'Kissa hum likhenge', 'O Maria', 'Dola Dola Dola', 'Do Nishaaniyaan', 'Blue theme song', 'Chiggy Wiggy', 'Ye Delhi hai mere yaar', 'Humma Humma', 'O ri chori', 'Radha kaise na jale', 'Masakali', 'Arziyaan'.....and so on.
I know I've missed mentioning many more songs.. but yes, he's the undisputed king of sur. He is the very thing because of who I am alive .... like a daily dose (4-5 songs per day at least) ;)
We love you A.R.Rahman ... keep inspiring us and I hope I could get a chance to see you once in my life....

Saturday, September 3, 2016

"I am not your world (but I want to be a part of it)"

Wondering about the sentence in the brackets... well, you'll get there once you read this.....
Who doesn't want love and to be loved..? Everybody in this earth is on a beautiful search of a true love. For some, the search narrows down quickly and for some, it's a long journey..., but many can find love, eventually.
And for a few of us, love of a partner is just a word on the piece of a paper. We meet many people during our growing years..., we go out with them...we start knowing them better... and, we do fall for them, but it might not be the same for others, right? So, there we understand the meaning of the word, "infatuation" or one-sided love. We so desire them to be a part of us but perhaps, we aren't that lucky enough. Some of us go one step forward and take courage to express their feelings to the person we truly love. Also, we don't mind travelling far off to just have a small glimpse of him/her and that means the world to us.
Actually, you can't expect others to feel them same for you as you do for them. You must have come across times when you were always available for them even in your tightest of schedules, but they didn't reciprocate the same for you... or not even slightly close to a hint of priority. You, so desperately, want to say that, "I want to be a part of your world" but the truth remains as it is that...,"I am not your world", and that's so evident. Our 'emotional' heart says something but our 'practical' mind tries to controls us to a great extent. It fails in many cases though...
As I grew, the same happened with me too, but I knew it won't work out for me so I had to take a step back no matter how much I loved him from the deepest core of my heart. Trust me, it was one of the toughest tests I'd ever given in my life... a test to control my emotions..., a test to move on. Cuz I know for a fact that, "moving on" is such a small word but to really accomplish it, one needs to have a nerve of steel.
I don't say that you have to be disheartened, but it's true that you have something much better coming into your way very soon because you won't give up on love. Feel good that at least you felt for someone and you went through that stage where you understood love... to let go..
Stay Happy cuz you're one in a million and you'll get a partner who just love you for your own goodness.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Just Do It..!

1 word...: OWN!
Although it's a small letter word but it encompasses a deep meaning in itself, Many of us ask questions to one another, "Am I on the right path?" Trust me, I've never found the answer for that till now (tried a lot...). Who decides the right path? Definitely those people who are successful and settled well in their life wins to write history and they easily convince others to stick with this "plan" to find your desires and goals.
The truth being told, success at this era, is highly subjective to the individuals and their way of living. Success can't be defined because it isn't as easy as it looks. We Indians are mostly within the purview of those hawk-eye-like-society which teaches us what's right and what's not... they get bossy. Be it career, exams, life, hobbies, relationships, etc., we always strive to work and be satisfied while walking on the path of the decision-makers.
What if I don't want to study? What if I don't want to work like a donkey all the time? What if I want to live like Angelina Jolie? What if I get pregnant before marriage? What if I want to end my marriage where I am in a living hell? There are such out-of-the-box questions running into my mind but I can't break barriers because then I'll be called as an "Outcaste" and my parents will have to suffer because of me for the rest of their life.
When I say the word "OWN IT", I literally want to awaken those millions of people who are chained to the societal benches and break-away glasses, and step out to live for yourself.... own your life. Whatever will happen, that will happen surely. But at least you tried to think beyond.
Life is too short for us to just stay within limits. To succeed in life, we really have to outshine the society and tell them that "It's my life". I own my life because that's my decision and I respect my decisions no matter how much unethical or immoral they are. Try to find yourself in a different path and make way for others to do so as well. Once you find your way, you're the whole and sole owner of it and it can't be questioned.
Always remember, the path is as beautiful as the destiny; we just have to be consistent and love everything coming in our way.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

These Things Every Person Must Do Once in their Lifetime

Life is too boring if there is no adventure or something new and exciting to do. You exactly know it when you are piled-up with work and you feel that you need a break. But then, the break must not be only about hibernating in your caves, watching Netflix and eating loads of junk. There are a lot of other things to do, better things; those can be counted in your bucket list “must do”.
The good news is, I can help you with some cool activities which each and every person must do at least once in your lifetime. Some of them you can also repeat as many times as you wish. So, here you go:

    Paint Something
Painting is an art and a sure shot way to relax your nerves and mind. Whenever you get some time off from your regular routine (for example: a weekend), try getting your hands messy with color paint. Pick up any theme or picture and paint it with your own creativity and imagination. I can assure you, it’ll be one of your best weekend spent.

Go Swimming
Most of us do know swimming, but due to time constraint or laziness, we keep ourselves inside our comfort zones. Just prioritize and get in the pool, you’ll feel so energetic. And yes, for those who don’t know swimming, let it be in your bucket list and learn swimming. It’s both fun as well as a healthy activity. Bring your entire family in the pool and enjoy!

1.    Get a Tattoo
Yes, tattoos are costly, painful, shows rebellious nature and is considered as a taboo. But, tattoos are also sometimes a way to express your nature and attitude. It’s not necessary to go for a permanent tattoo; you can try for temporary one as well. But, you really have to get it to believe it. It makes us feel confident somewhere.

1.    Mountain Hiking
Hiking is not only a superb sport, it’s also an all-rounder fitness regime. Moreover, if you try an adventure sport, it really helps you to unwind and clear your mind because you get up-close with the nature itself. You will automatically build your stamina and lose weight faster. In fact, you can plan a mountain hiking once in a year with your friends or family.

1.    Fall in Love
Love is a beautiful feeling and it’s always a sweet moment to be with someone close to your heart. There are most of us who don’t believe in it at all. I just want to say that, just give it a try to give your heart to someone and believe in him/her. Don’t think about the bad things attached to it because every good thing comes with something bad. But, it’s worth it.

1.    Travel with your love
It’s even more fun to go on a trip anywhere you wish to with the one whom you love the most because you can nurture some of the best memories with him/her and will keep it forever in your mind. Plan a long vacation and book air or train tickets. The journey itself will be fun and you can have some alone time with them without anyone’s interference.

1.    Get a Pet
Pets are so adorable and they become a part of your family at once no matter how naughty they are. They can make your gloomy and stressful day happier at once. These days, people carefully select what kind of pets they actually need, because it’s a relationship between you and your adorable pet. Keeping pets at home can bring lot of peace and freshness in your life

1.    Learn Music
Most of us will support this thing because music is one of the best healers and keeps your mind and heart calm. Music is important to understand the essence of life and a reason to feel joyful with soulful tunes ringing in the back of your mind. Learn any kind of music or even try to play musical instruments. It’s a great hobby and enhances your concentration power multifold.

1.    Go Gardening
Planting greenery at your homes makes it more airy and pleasant. Gardening is not only a stress-buster but a necessity as well because we are making our locality as concrete jungle with less of plants and trees. Just try to sow seeds, take good care of it throughout just like a child, give it appropriate nutrition and see it grow. It’s an ultimate feeling when you finally see the fruit or flower making its way from the plant.

1.    Lie Down and Watch the Stars
If you think you can’t go for any outdoor activity and are too lazy to feel like doing any activity, do this thing. When the night clear and full with stars, just lie down outside and watch them for many hours altogether. It’s so refreshing and the slow breeze of the night will give you a sweet freshness. Just try it once, or as many times as you wish.

1.    Learn a New Language
A new language is engaging and fun to know. If you have enough time from your routine work, just try it out instead of loitering here and there killing time. There are a lot of website and sources by which you can learn new languages without any efforts. You can very easily learn right from basics and go up to the advanced level.

1.    Volunteer for a Good Cause
There are a lot of things you can do to the society and you don’t always have to pay for it. There are so many NGOs or other organizations who are always welcoming people ready to volunteer and help those who really need it. You can teach a subject or hobby, make few things which can be useful or go to rural areas and serve the needy. It gives a beautiful feeling.