Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Clear Your Mind..

The mind is a box. Either you can clutter it with stress and worries, or you can make it a basket of memories and good thoughts. Unwanted thoughts do rollover our minds and that makes us think, maybe more than required. A human mind is never quiet, I'm not talking about the exceptions, people, but in general, everyone has something or the other cooking in their small sized mind all the time. How did he say that to me? When will my boss have the next meeting? Did I leave open the stove in the kitchen? Why am I single? Why did he/she leave me?... Oh My God.. The list goes awry.
What are we doing? In simple terms, we are stupidly gathering a band of thoughts which holds no importance in our lives, and we keep on giving them priority when, instead, we must be concentrating on something more valuable, isn't it!
What to do? Clear your mind. Making the mind turned off for a while solves so many mysteries automatically. Why to complicate when things can be sorted without arms and ammunition. To quiet the mind isn't that easy, okay. People can't achieve that stage just like that, it's a matter of time and patience.
But, we all can't become Sages, right. What max we can do is just follow some easy steps to distract or calm the mind to make better decisions and stay healthy.
I have followed, am still following simple practices to quiet my mind and with my experience, it's really working well for me. Try it yourself and honestly, it won't take much time to follow them, and of course, it's for your own good.
1. While you are at workplace or at home, if you feel cluttered, just break it off and go out in the open air and take long breaths for 4-5 times. While you breathe in-and-out, you will feel light and peaceful within few seconds. Go back, and make things happen in a sorted manner.
2. If that's also not working, try to take 5-7 minutes of walk. In fact better would be to wake up early in the morning and go for a good minimum of 20 minutes of brisk walk and also feel the pleasant air around you because morning bliss is in the clean and unpolluted air.
3. Talk to your friend... Oh yeah! I do that each moment I am stuck up.. Without wasting a second, I pick up my phone, take her number from my speed dial number 5, and say, "Preeti, I need a word." And she understands that something's not right. You kind of feel calm when you discuss something you can't share with anyone.
4. If you aren't expressive, well, don't bother, writing is equivalent to talking. Keep writing down your problems or some questions dancing in your mind. Diary can become your best friend.. why not. Put all your dreams, desires, stresses into a journal and see that it works wonders with peace of mind.
5. Pursue a hobby. Are you going on a loop of disappointments or are you working like a pressure cooker? Hello, workaholics, get a life! Take a few days off and do something you love. Whether it is swimming, writing poetry, photography, etc. It'll really rejuvenate your body, mind and soul and will definitely help you to focus.
So, follow your instinct and get rid of the tensions and cluttered mind.
Peaceful mind is the best mind.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Simple ideas, great rewards

Stressful situations are a part and parcel for working individuals. And there's no parameter to judge the level of stress within various organizations. We try to make our bosses happy by over-stressing ourselves, and as a result we get depressed. The target-based work, the last minute detail editing, the client-suited deals, and what not, are just eating our heads off each day. The whole 9-5 job is a waste if the result is not proper and satisfaction seems to be sleeping behind the sheets.
Why do we ponder on unnecessary things which holds no importance and are a major distraction at work? Sometimes, finding answers to such things are next to impossible because we are tangled in our thinking and don't find time to hit the right brick at the right time.
It's easy to find faults in the person or the whole system. What if we drop down our defenses and try to think in a simple fashion rather than making a question-marked face all the time. That way, the peers and co-workers are also stressed seeing your idiotic gesture and expressions, it annoys them too, and thus it pollutes the atmosphere around you. So, can you see, a vicious circle is formed around you which is only giving you negative energy. Negative energy tires us more, why is that? Well, ask yourselves and you'll find the answer. You will discover that the fault remains in you and others are going forward in their lives. No matter what, nobody will rest for you and wait till you come forward. At the end, it's you who is going into depression, and it's you who has to pull yourself out of distress.
Why not start a new practice of writing down your inhibitions and problems in a page, or even better, start maintaining a diary each day and be utmost truthful to yourself while writing as it'll be your personal entry and no one will ever notice about it. In fact, don't tell anyone that you are starting this thing. Do it to regularly, update yourself and see the previous posts to recollect the last mistakes you did, so that you don't repeat it again. This is how you can improve and build-up self-confidence.
It's not at all difficult, it's just like you are giving some precious time to re-create yourself and re-examine all the time, it's just a matter of 5-10mns. Can't you devote some special time to your own self? I think you can. Or even if you don't want to write, make an audio recording and say some few words about today's happenings and trust me, this is much entertaining than TV! Say few things which you liked, you didn't like, and you saw for the first time, and etc. Save those recordings regularly in a secret folder.
Simple things makes big changes, and change takes time, but it will show up, that's there! I will also pledge to write regularly atleast 5-10 lines daily, I don't write daily, but now I will try. Just try to do these things for about 15-20 days, and it'll become your habit, seriously.
You will remain happy forever and nothing can stop you from climbing big ladders and accomplishing what you aim for.