Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nothing can Compare my Love for Savita Gupta - my late Mother-in-law

Some relationships take years to build in family… one of them is between mother-in-law & daughter-in-law. It’s a gradually developing, mature bond, it doesn’t happen overnight 

For me… it was a divine connection. One week after Sahil and I got married, Sahil left for the USA, and my visa was under process. I stayed alone with my in-laws for the first 2.5 months.

My mother-in-law is a private and quiet person, but she broke the ice with me & gave me so much comfort that was beyond my mind. She always called me Beta & I called her Maa. After marriage.. we talked daily because I loved sharing everything with her & vice versa. Our bond strengthened, and we became inseparable.. but it was short-lived...

On a sunny Saturday morning of 18th February 2023 (Maha Shivratri), she had a massive cardiac arrest & the next we know is that Maa is no more.. ! No medical history and no prolonged illness. How can someone go in seconds just like that? 

Shocking for us, and for everyone who knew maa.. I can never imagine what papa and Sahil were going through, but this is also true that it’s so hard for me to be without her. This is going to take years to heal. Our rock is shaken & life has changed. It’s an extremely difficult loss to handle. She had so much positivity and zeal to explore new things. It felt like a part of me died that day.

Today marks one year of absence. The absence of someone who loved me, encouraged me, cheered me on, told me I could do anything, and gave me the grit to follow through. I can’t believe she’s gone, and I still feel lost without her.” I wish I could sit down and have our daily 10am endless talks. Make you chaai by your 'official chai maker of the family. ' I wish I could do all the little things with you again, just like we used to do. Go out on random shopping sprees in the streets of Mumbai. We still miss you like crazy. I don’t think time will ever take that away..

People ask why am I so upset for my mother-in-law's passing even after so long. The answer simply is that I chose her before Sahil. I always wanted my husband's mother to be like my mentor, my guide, and overall my friend. She was all of the above. I feel I didn't learn a lot of her recipes (she used to do a lot of fusions which are now as good as lost); didn't take those lessons seriously. 

Maa, we pray that you’ve found peace with God and that you bless us every step of the way💕🙏🏼

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