Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Love is also like this..

This title might be a little confusing for y’all. But trust me, you will know.

To Love and to nurture Love are two very different things ... When a couple start living with each other under the same roof and are still mad for each other even after their 100s of pronlems, I think that is closer to real love because that's when the two really find a reason to love in every moment. 
So according to me, this is my new tried and tested definition of love... Just read out and enjoy ( do laugh and giggle if you find similarities with this...

Real Love happens...

When he promises to reach home early from work; and comes at 4:15pm instead of 5..
When she asks him for a cup of tea and then says him to make it instead
When he snores non-stop while sleeping and she is awake for the whole night
When he surprisingly brings groceries which were pending from so long
When she agrees to watch his favourite film which she has no idea about
When she wakes up in the middle of the night and kisses his cheeks and tugs him tight
When he buys her the VIP tickets to her favourite artist’s concert
When she keep looking at his expression and tries to find out if the dinner is made properly or not
When she wakes up early to cook his favourite
When he lets her win the UNO game
When he goes all the way from office to bring Amul Buttermilk only because she loves it
When they laugh with each other for no reason
When they binge watch Masterchef because they just love to watch it together
When she farts and he still bears the smell while kissing her
When he makes the best Sunday breakfast for her and she just stand there and watch him cook
When they decide to go out on a long weekend just like that
When she makes bad food just to see the irritated look on his face
When they play board games from morning to evening
When he hugs her tight and say I Love You before leaving for office
When she takes away his blanket while sleeping leaving the poor man cold
When he wears your favourite shirt while going out for meal
When he tries too hard to look for her kind of clothes in an online store
When they fight with each other only to make out post that

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