Thursday, October 25, 2018

My Mother-in-law....

Ever since I have set foot into this world, I have grown up holding my mother’s hand and she is the one who showed me the world through her eyes. Later, she encouraged me to go on my own and define world through my own experiences.
Inspite of my “terrible teens”, one thing was absolutely clear, no one can ever take the place of my mother and that is why she is MOM!  It will be impossible for me to call any other person as my mother (I mean, that’s huge... right?)
I was wrong
When I turned 27 last year, a new life was waiting for me with all arms open: I was about to get married!
I was excited and happy because the man I was to marry is a gem of a person.., but I was anxious and nervous because of the fear of unknown.. my mother and father-in-law. I used to think what’ll I call them... aunty-uncle, mummyji-papaji or simply just come up with something like.. haanji, ji, namaste, ummm, etc.
I won’t lie, it was cluttered in my head.
Then I decided to just forget everything and go with the flow; let things come to me all by itself. The moment I stepped inside Mumbai (my in law’s place), I felt a different kind of vibe. A vibe which was so new and so fresh. All smiling faces in front of me.. ready to make me feel at home, like I was already the member of this new family. My husband had to leave to USA leaving me alone with my new “parents”.
I was scared; I only knew him.. not his family..!
I decided I will show them my true self and not to be impersonate.
But I hesitated to call them mom and dad.
We in general have a tendency to rely on the first impression for other people and environment which is not the right way. You’ve got to be a little mature than that.
In India, it is the daughter-in-law who has to adjust to the new place and learn the lifestyle of the new family. For me, I gradually discovered, I didn’t have to do anything to adjust, they adjusted for me! It was a surprise because I have always seen my mother struggling so much to find her rightful place in my father’s family. I have seen my mother being constantly questioned by my grandma on random irrelevant things.
My mother-in-law is so open and so welcoming that I didn’t feel alienated. We talk about almost every topic. She is so lively and cheerful; she didn’t even make me understand their cooking methods and lifestyle. Like a water color, I merged into their ways easily.
She gave me time to sink in (which isn’t a common thing at all).
And before I could realise, one day I said .... Maa..! Oh My God.. I gave her the highest honor! She isn’t just my husband’s mother anymore.. she is my mother as well! I am sure she also must have took time to understand me. The best thing was, we both never forced ourselves onto each other.
Now, I can not fathom myself not talking to her on a daily basis. Many a times, I follow my mother-in-law’s advices more than my own mom (my mother-in-law is more open minded and not restricted by traditions). I think of her and my father-in-law every day; and they have all their love to shower upon me!
Yes, I am her daughter.. and not just daughter-in-law!
Some women have dreadful experiences with their in laws, I have seen them too. I think God is kind to me to give me two moms who equally love me and pray for my well-being.
On your 55th birthday, I wish you all the good luck and all the happiness. You means the world to me!
See you soon maa...

Monday, August 6, 2018

An Old Me but A New Me

It is too much to embrace life when you get high of it. All of a sudden when you were just living in your worst days, someone just makes you so alive and showers so much happiness that it becomes unbearable. Feels like you are living in a juxtaposing fantasy world which is beyond your imagination. I too fell under such a place. Marriage and coming to USA with my one and only was itself too much to take that I dont want to come out of it at all.
And guess what..., I am not doing anything wrong; I deserve it.
Honestly, if you want something, all you need is to have trust and patience. People will come along in your life showing an alternate route which might look easier. All my life I have ever wanted was the ultimate love of my life and men did knock on my heart; but none could touch my heart (or maybe I was too naive to ignore it.. who knows..). Born in a middle class family, I have always seen my parents protecting each other and loving each other without even saying those three magical words. And now here I am... miles away from home.. with my partner in a completely new avatar (a wife!!! I still get chills while thinking about that transformation.. but there it is..)
I am living the American life and learning the American ways. Also, my Social Media feeds are getting so interesting with the picturesque locations (can’t avoid mentioning that!!). Yet, I am a Desi at heart, making Chapatis, Daal and Sabzi for my Hubba-Hubba!! I still try to be myself by talking to my folks back in India and reminding me of my roots. Trying to find myself in this first world country, I have come a long way. My whole life and routine has taken a 180 degree turn. Of course, the New Me has spoilt the Old Me; but I am happy to take it in full form. Now I realize that change is a part of life which is unavoidable.
Life is short, so you never know what’s next. Until then just stay happy and make your own path. Things will fall in place when it has to be.