Pearls of Wisdom
Success is more than making money
1. money isn't bad
2. money isn't all there is being successful
Successful people accept life as it is with all difficulties and challanges, they maintain positive attitude
success is in the doing and not in getting
Life is hard..and not always fair
reality is a great teacher
Life is hard, once we accept it, we begin to grow
complaining doesn't make problems go away
Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional
those things that hurt, instruct
we're not alone, courage to change the things
Life is also fun...and incredibly funny
Humans need to have fun
Looking back, it all seems pretty funny
man needs a little madness
only way to survive hardship is to get plenty of laughs along the way
mind is overly stressed when it's subject to seriousness for
cheerful heart is good medicine, but crushed spirit dries up the bones
We live by choice, not by chance
its our ability to choose
freedom to decide and power to choose
we don't 'have to', we choose to
Attitude is a choice, the most imp. 1 you'll ever make
a good attitude gets good result, and vice versa
think with an open mind
think for yourself
think constructively
Habit are the key to all success
the power of habit
habits are key to all success
sow an act..reap a habit; sow a habit..reap a character; sow a character..reap a destiny
Good people build their lives on a foundation of respect
respect for life
respect is as old as life itself
without good manners human society becomes intolerable and impossible
what's comes out of our mouths does indeed reveals what's stored in our hearts
Honour the rules
Appreciating differences
Honesty is still the best policy
integrity= complete
honesty is a struggle, it's hard work
dishonesty ruins rlatns, can't be hidden, prevents us from fulfillment
being honest: peace of mind, character, rlatnshp, wholeness, mental and phy. health, being authentic
Kind words costs little but accomplish much
ability to affirm others
we increase whatever we praise
Real motivation comes from within
Desire, belief, mental picture (clear vision)
motivation is an inner drive
Goals are dreams with deadlines
success is progressive accomplishment of worthy goals
understand the differece between a goal and a wish
write down ur goals and make them special
categorize and balance your goals
review and revise your goals regularly
there's no substitute for hard work
hard work- realise potential, feels good, builds character, earns respect, best result, habit, healthy
work and fun aren't opposite (take breaks from work)
You have to give up something to get something
self-discipline = being in charge of urslf
discipline means choices (u say yes to a goal, u say no to many more)
success = sum of small efforts
right choice- good habits- accomplishment- fulfillment
Successful ppl don't find time- they make time
time = life. irreversible and irreplaceable
waste time = waste life
we have all the time we need
the key = balance
plan ur day, make appointmnts, do little-bit-at-a-time, know ur most productive time
No one else can raise ur self-esteem
self-esteem is that deep-down inside the skin feeling u have of ur own self-worth
we can only feel good about ourselves is direct result of what we do ot think
be kind, honorable, productive, positive
the body needs nutrition- so do the mind and spirit
life is a balancing act
care for the body
caring for the mind, mental diet and exercise
caring for the spirit
God who was powerful enough to create the universe, yet is personal enough to want an intimate rlatn vd us
become complete (and integrated)
rlatn with God was necessary for overcoming marrow self interest and become complete human beings
it's ok to fail- every1 else has
failing is a fact of life and is a natural outcome of trying
failure teaches: humility, correct course of action, we can't always have wat we want, strength of our character, perseverance, we can survive defeat
Life is simpler when we know what's essential
be a spirit lifter
choose good attitude, respect, be honest and fair, learn lifelong, laugh
Be a good person
do all the good u can, by all the means u can
being gud is the most essential ingredient of emotional and spiritual health
1. money isn't bad
2. money isn't all there is being successful
Successful people accept life as it is with all difficulties and challanges, they maintain positive attitude
success is in the doing and not in getting
Life is hard..and not always fair
reality is a great teacher
Life is hard, once we accept it, we begin to grow
complaining doesn't make problems go away
Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional
those things that hurt, instruct
we're not alone, courage to change the things
Life is also fun...and incredibly funny
Humans need to have fun
Looking back, it all seems pretty funny
man needs a little madness
only way to survive hardship is to get plenty of laughs along the way
mind is overly stressed when it's subject to seriousness for
cheerful heart is good medicine, but crushed spirit dries up the bones
We live by choice, not by chance
its our ability to choose
freedom to decide and power to choose
we don't 'have to', we choose to
Attitude is a choice, the most imp. 1 you'll ever make
a good attitude gets good result, and vice versa
think with an open mind
think for yourself
think constructively
Habit are the key to all success
the power of habit
habits are key to all success
sow an act..reap a habit; sow a habit..reap a character; sow a character..reap a destiny
Good people build their lives on a foundation of respect
respect for life
respect is as old as life itself
without good manners human society becomes intolerable and impossible
what's comes out of our mouths does indeed reveals what's stored in our hearts
Honour the rules
Appreciating differences
Honesty is still the best policy
integrity= complete
honesty is a struggle, it's hard work
dishonesty ruins rlatns, can't be hidden, prevents us from fulfillment
being honest: peace of mind, character, rlatnshp, wholeness, mental and phy. health, being authentic
Kind words costs little but accomplish much
ability to affirm others
we increase whatever we praise
Real motivation comes from within
Desire, belief, mental picture (clear vision)
motivation is an inner drive
Goals are dreams with deadlines
success is progressive accomplishment of worthy goals
understand the differece between a goal and a wish
write down ur goals and make them special
categorize and balance your goals
review and revise your goals regularly
there's no substitute for hard work
hard work- realise potential, feels good, builds character, earns respect, best result, habit, healthy
work and fun aren't opposite (take breaks from work)
You have to give up something to get something
self-discipline = being in charge of urslf
discipline means choices (u say yes to a goal, u say no to many more)
success = sum of small efforts
right choice- good habits- accomplishment- fulfillment
Successful ppl don't find time- they make time
time = life. irreversible and irreplaceable
waste time = waste life
we have all the time we need
the key = balance
plan ur day, make appointmnts, do little-bit-at-a-time, know ur most productive time
No one else can raise ur self-esteem
self-esteem is that deep-down inside the skin feeling u have of ur own self-worth
we can only feel good about ourselves is direct result of what we do ot think
be kind, honorable, productive, positive
the body needs nutrition- so do the mind and spirit
life is a balancing act
care for the body
caring for the mind, mental diet and exercise
caring for the spirit
God who was powerful enough to create the universe, yet is personal enough to want an intimate rlatn vd us
become complete (and integrated)
rlatn with God was necessary for overcoming marrow self interest and become complete human beings
it's ok to fail- every1 else has
failing is a fact of life and is a natural outcome of trying
failure teaches: humility, correct course of action, we can't always have wat we want, strength of our character, perseverance, we can survive defeat
Life is simpler when we know what's essential
be a spirit lifter
choose good attitude, respect, be honest and fair, learn lifelong, laugh
Be a good person
do all the good u can, by all the means u can
being gud is the most essential ingredient of emotional and spiritual health
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