Friday, November 3, 2023


I woke up last Sunday and had a cup of my morning green tea with the regular multi-grain biscuit for a healthy start of the day. While I was enjoying the hot tea on a windy morning, I realized that all I wanted was to have a job, and now when I have one, I am still looking for something more. Why? Well. I don't have any answer for that mysterious 'Why'.
The everyday life schedule is a routine work and my work place is a great way to make my mood happy, seriously. I love writing, and that's what I am doing my 9 hours on the job daily. But still, there's something which I can't figure out myself. I tried to do some activities to deviate myself from this thought like, watching comedy episodes, going out with bunch of friends, shop till I drop, etc. and still it's a temporary avoidance to my mood.
I always loved reading, so a few months back, in one of the non-fiction books I read these lines, "be a spirit-lifter". That's when my mind clicked and I started searching more on this aspect. I really liked the way the author presented his views on finding inner peace. You don't have to be victims of circumstances, but you can own them in your way.
In fact, what's interesting to note is that finding happiness in your current situations will ward-off your sufferings to a great extent because you are what you are currently and that's why it's called 'A Present'. If you just stop thinking and start believing, it'll be a no-worry state for the rest of your life. Being lively is a beautiful way to keep yourself fit and healthy and absolutely free from diseases. We can't change the circumstances, but we can surely change the way to look inside.
Sometimes, from others experiences we learn a great deal about ourselves, and what's better than learning from other people's experiences. There's absolutely no harm in knowing your environment. We just need to accept the fact that not always, we will be making the right decision, but if it is 'my' decision, I should not regret it, and failures are a stepping stone to success.
In my personal opinion, if it's still not working for you, you can try these few activities which you can include in your daily routine, and see the fun part of you making space in your body:
  • Eat often and eat light. Don't fill your stomach in one go. Try to eat at regular intervals.
  • Early to bed, early to rise. This is an age-old phrase, but a very apt one. It's always good to follow the concept of early sleep and waking up early.
  • Go out. Staying indoors makes you lethargic and vulnerable to nonsense thinking. Instead, indulge yourself in outdoor activities. You will remain fit and fantastic
  • Listen to your favorite track. Music is definitely a healer and mood enhancer. A little voice in your head always makes a positive soul.
  • Aromatic environment. Studies also finds that fragrance around you indulges your all senses and automatically your mind is healed.
  • Act of giving. Always try to serve the needy and see what mental satisfaction you get after it. There's nothing better than volunteering for some cause and making some efforts from your comfort zone.
  • Play. Make a habit of exercising your mind and body by playing games, both puzzles and group games. This will sharpen your mind and distract you from unnecessary thinking.
Have a positive mindet no matter what, and you will become a spirit-lifter forever and an inspiration to the people around you.