Friday, January 14, 2022

Don't Hate Yourself for Loving "Too Much"

Personally, I have been that type of a girl my entire life.. Caring too much, Giving too much, Laughing too much, Loving with all my heart. But sometimes, I do feel that either I am being taken for granted or they just don't care because they start contemplating you as an "always available shoulder." When they needed me, I was always behind them; but when I looked back I could hardly see anyone behind me... This used to result in loneliness... I started blaming myself, felt guilty all the time for something I never did..., taking the full responsibility of overly loving my loved ones.

People like me are always hopeful and positive because they like to extract scent even from thorns. Most of the times, we believe that some people are definitely worth walking miles for...
All these inhibitions and reactions resulted in a 360 degree change in my personality... I started hiding from people, I became under-confident, I acted as if I really don't care anymore.... I became cold....

I wasn't myself anymore....

Truly speaking, initially, I gained a strange happiness by not caring and by running away.., it was easier and it didn't hurt me much. I became the I-don't-give-a-damn kind of a girl; it was going pretty amazing actually.

But you see, when you juxtapose your own self, you can't remain comfortable and contented in it for longer... because that's not you. You are someone who does care what's going in and around you.

My biggest mistake..., I changed for the worst.

But thankfully, I wasn't completely lost. Yes, I was steadily crawling towards the den of isolation and darkness, but thankfully, something just pulled me out of it at the right time.
We must learn from experiences and never underestimate our inner self because we are the best creations of our God..., our parents. Don't shy away from being that kind-loving person who is adored by everyone. Never listen to the world, they don't know you..., they'll customise you. We are living in those days where there's a cut throat competition even in the tiniest duration of time; that doesn't mean we start pleasing each and every person.

Lesson Learnt: Love selflessly, Be Yourself, Don't keep regrets and respect your decision whatever it might be. Never say sorry for your deeds, try to retrospect if you were wrong and learn from your mistakes.. The cycle must be complete, each day... every moment...
It's okay to cry, to yell, to shout... Never ever hide your emotions. It largely affects your body and mind and soul.

All in all, don't hate yourself for loving "too much".

It shows who you are and no one can dare to be like you.., cuz you're special. And, it's them who are so little to not understand your greatness.

Believe in love and embrace your strengths..!
Keep Smiling :)