We See What we Want to See!!
Because all perceptions are our choice.. we make one ourselves. It's a simple funda which has a deep meaning.
For example, just look at the half written heading.. I mean just a small word where one simple alphabet is missing. What's the beauty in this is that if we add the letter, the meaning completely changes.
Try this as an exercise.
Complete the word and find out how many meaningful words can you make out of it!
Don't worry, no one will judge you in doing this. But surely once you end up thinking and start googling... you'll be astonished to find many others too. How come I missed that? Of course you are intelligent and smart. But you still missed that one.. isn't it?
I only want to make a psychological sense into this little trivia. What my point is that we tend to pick certain instances and see what we want to see. We tend to lock our mind in one dimension... of course unknowingly. We find words like Life, Like, Line and Live. But many of us will forget some other meaningful words like Lime, Lite, Lice, Lire.
Almost 95% will try to fill words.. and won't even read my question properly. They can also make a meaningful word... Lie! Because I never mentioned how many letter words it should be.
Putting all of this into an observation, we can easily say that we only see what we want to. Reading between the lines or seeing out of the box is not so common in us humans.
It is only when we cease to lock our mind from our caves and start opening up to see beyond the chains can we actually become wise and shine under inner peace. Stop imposing restrictions and traditional ways because life is all about growing up not old.