Tuesday, January 26, 2016

These Things Every Person Must Do Once in their Lifetime

Life is too boring if there is no adventure or something new and exciting to do. You exactly know it when you are piled-up with work and you feel that you need a break. But then, the break must not be only about hibernating in your caves, watching Netflix and eating loads of junk. There are a lot of other things to do, better things; those can be counted in your bucket list “must do”.
The good news is, I can help you with some cool activities which each and every person must do at least once in your lifetime. Some of them you can also repeat as many times as you wish. So, here you go:

    Paint Something
Painting is an art and a sure shot way to relax your nerves and mind. Whenever you get some time off from your regular routine (for example: a weekend), try getting your hands messy with color paint. Pick up any theme or picture and paint it with your own creativity and imagination. I can assure you, it’ll be one of your best weekend spent.

Go Swimming
Most of us do know swimming, but due to time constraint or laziness, we keep ourselves inside our comfort zones. Just prioritize and get in the pool, you’ll feel so energetic. And yes, for those who don’t know swimming, let it be in your bucket list and learn swimming. It’s both fun as well as a healthy activity. Bring your entire family in the pool and enjoy!

1.    Get a Tattoo
Yes, tattoos are costly, painful, shows rebellious nature and is considered as a taboo. But, tattoos are also sometimes a way to express your nature and attitude. It’s not necessary to go for a permanent tattoo; you can try for temporary one as well. But, you really have to get it to believe it. It makes us feel confident somewhere.

1.    Mountain Hiking
Hiking is not only a superb sport, it’s also an all-rounder fitness regime. Moreover, if you try an adventure sport, it really helps you to unwind and clear your mind because you get up-close with the nature itself. You will automatically build your stamina and lose weight faster. In fact, you can plan a mountain hiking once in a year with your friends or family.

1.    Fall in Love
Love is a beautiful feeling and it’s always a sweet moment to be with someone close to your heart. There are most of us who don’t believe in it at all. I just want to say that, just give it a try to give your heart to someone and believe in him/her. Don’t think about the bad things attached to it because every good thing comes with something bad. But, it’s worth it.

1.    Travel with your love
It’s even more fun to go on a trip anywhere you wish to with the one whom you love the most because you can nurture some of the best memories with him/her and will keep it forever in your mind. Plan a long vacation and book air or train tickets. The journey itself will be fun and you can have some alone time with them without anyone’s interference.

1.    Get a Pet
Pets are so adorable and they become a part of your family at once no matter how naughty they are. They can make your gloomy and stressful day happier at once. These days, people carefully select what kind of pets they actually need, because it’s a relationship between you and your adorable pet. Keeping pets at home can bring lot of peace and freshness in your life

1.    Learn Music
Most of us will support this thing because music is one of the best healers and keeps your mind and heart calm. Music is important to understand the essence of life and a reason to feel joyful with soulful tunes ringing in the back of your mind. Learn any kind of music or even try to play musical instruments. It’s a great hobby and enhances your concentration power multifold.

1.    Go Gardening
Planting greenery at your homes makes it more airy and pleasant. Gardening is not only a stress-buster but a necessity as well because we are making our locality as concrete jungle with less of plants and trees. Just try to sow seeds, take good care of it throughout just like a child, give it appropriate nutrition and see it grow. It’s an ultimate feeling when you finally see the fruit or flower making its way from the plant.

1.    Lie Down and Watch the Stars
If you think you can’t go for any outdoor activity and are too lazy to feel like doing any activity, do this thing. When the night clear and full with stars, just lie down outside and watch them for many hours altogether. It’s so refreshing and the slow breeze of the night will give you a sweet freshness. Just try it once, or as many times as you wish.

1.    Learn a New Language
A new language is engaging and fun to know. If you have enough time from your routine work, just try it out instead of loitering here and there killing time. There are a lot of website and sources by which you can learn new languages without any efforts. You can very easily learn right from basics and go up to the advanced level.

1.    Volunteer for a Good Cause
There are a lot of things you can do to the society and you don’t always have to pay for it. There are so many NGOs or other organizations who are always welcoming people ready to volunteer and help those who really need it. You can teach a subject or hobby, make few things which can be useful or go to rural areas and serve the needy. It gives a beautiful feeling.